Paharpur is one of the main sights in Bangladesh, the ruins of what was once a buddhist temple. You have seen one of those in Comilla already, but this is the biggest one.
Even though it was supposed to be a 4-5 hour drive, because we happened to go on the same day, what the Indian prime-minister was visiting Bangladesh, the National monument (the one I showed before as well) to be precise, which is in the same direction, it took us 12 hours. It was bad. Very bad.
We got to enjoy a lot of bush art though when we got there.
Kinds get to learn the “picture with the bush” skill when they are very small.
I am trying hard too
The ruins are cool
People are manually cutting off the grass with little knives.
The light at the ruins was absolutely gorgeous, but still iPhone made everybody look different!
We are performing
The layer on top in new, put there to protect the left overs from further destruction
Guess whom I met there?!
More goats
More bush-pictures
The area where Paharpur is situated, Rajshahi district, is famous for its mangoes. Therefore here is the biggest part of our dinner — mangoes and lychees.
To be continued!